
Communication designer, master degree in Industrial Design and Ph.D. in Industrial Design and Multimedia Communication, I am now post-doctoral research fellow at the Design Department of Politecnico di Milano and lecturer at the School of Design of the same university, in the Communication Design Degree Program.

My research interest is in Communication Design, focusing mainly on packaging design, in particular on communication qualities of packages and their information accessibility.
In addition, I work on the development of methods and tools (both digital, and analogical) in support of research projects, teaching and training activities.
I am also interested on social communication and ethical responsibility of designers.

Among the activities carried out at Politecnico di Milano, I have participated to several research programs and design projects, in cooperation with corporations (e.g. Barilla, Nestlé), associations and consortia (Pro Carton, the Italian Institute of Packaging, Comieco, CiAL, etc.), institutions (including the Italian Ministry for Economical Development).
I have actively contributed to the design and the development of the on-line archive of innovative packaging projects http//www.packagingdesignarchive.org (development of archive taxonomy and website information architecture; project coordination).
As a visual designer, I have developed communication systems and tools for the identity of brands, products and services.

I have been in charge of the organisation of several scientific seminars and exhibitions. I have been invited as conference speaker and visiting professor to give lectures on communication design, particularly on packaging design. I have been advisor and co-advisor of theses, at bachelor’s and master’s level. I have authored and edited technical-scientific publications (books, conference papers, articles on specialised magazines).

Design consultancy
Basic and applied research
Education and training

Italian (mothertongue)

Packaging design
Communication design
Identity systems (brand, product and service)
Communication accessibility and inclusive design
Social responsibility of design
Design ethics
Social communication
Design for social policies
Innovation through communication design
Methods and tools in support of project development, research, education and training

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